About Me
Physical Therapist

In 2005 I moved to Vienna, Austria with my
family, where I attended a 7.5 years osteopathy postgraduate course for
physicians and physiotherapists at WSO (Wiener Schule für Osteopathie,
2011-2016.) The University's MSC program is in cooperation with
Danube-Univeristy Krems, which I plan to complete in the future.
During my training I worked at different
private Clinics in Sopron and in 2017 I opened my own Clinic in Budapest.
In my work I apply a holistic approach to
osteopathy, detailed musculoskeletal examination, manual treatment techniques,
complemented by the new methods of manual therapy that I have acquired at
further training courses in Hungary.
My patients seek my help with conditions such as inflamed joint pain due to accidents or sports injuries, chronic spinal and other joint pain that have lasted for many years.